Top 10 Tips to Build A Better Space...A Better Life...A Better You
Every person is capable of being organized and is innately organized in their own way. There is always a better way of organizing and the incentive is to reach your goals and strive for the best because it will change your life. You need to believe in yourself and realize that an organized life is very much attainable. Follow BnB's motto to "Believe in Better Organizing” and let BnB help you to obtain more efficient ways of organizing.
Here are BnB’s Top 10 Tips to Getting and Staying Organized as the first step in your true transformation:
1) Assign a "home" for every item you own.
2) Have a 5 minute purging session at the beginning of each day.
3) Have a 5 minute "return items to their homes" at the end of each day.
4) Use the 1-In, 1-Out method when bringing a new item in your home. Every new item in should have a corresponding item you repurpose or donate.
5) View your home as if you entering for the first time.
6) Keep a filing system for your finances and important papers. Color-code it for the best emotional results.
7) Use technology often to save time. Personal Assistant applications like Siri and Amazon’s Alexa can help you manage your calendar and set reminders.
8) Color code items of each member in a common space to differentiate and avoid confusion.
9) Organize and place items where they are most used and most convenient to retrieve.
10) Make your bed when you wake up, every single day! It will leave you with a clear mind and fresh start to a productive day.